We Are Here To Guide You

Speak to a foster care adviser now.

Call: 01622 760 600

What is Fostering?

Fostering is caring for a child, children or young person/s in your home where they can feel valued, cared for, and respected as a family member, doing the things you do as a family together like going on days out, holidays and everyday family life activities

There are many reasons that lead to children and young people needing a foster home such as illness within the family, relationship problems, family breakdown, alcohol and/or drug issues or when a child or young person is being abused. Foster carers play a vital role in providing a safe, secure and stable environment

The length of time that children and young people live with a foster family can vary from days to years depending on their individual circumstances. The decision is made by the Local Authority and forms part of the child or young person’s Care Plan.

Types of Fostering Arrangements

Fostering arrangements fall into the categories shown below. The assessment process will help you to consider which types of fostering would best suit your household.

Short Breaks Care

Where children live with their own family or foster carers, but have short stays with another foster carer to give their family/main foster carers a break.

Emergency Fostering Arrangements

Children who need a safe place to stay for a few nights generally at very short notice.

Short Term Fostering Arrangements

Where foster carers provide a temporary place to stay until the child can return home to their own family, move into a longer-term fostering placement or adoptive family.

Sibling Groups

Brother(s) and/or sisters(s) are known as sibling groups. Often when siblings are placed in foster care it can become a challenge for Local Authority to keep them together. At Futures For Children we understand that it is important to keep the children together due to their supportive network, shared experiences, and bond.

Remand Arrangements

Young people remanded into care by the courts following alleged criminal activity, or requiring a bail address.

Unaccompanied Minors

Young people who have left their country of origin with no parents or guardian in England.

Long Term or Permanent

Where foster carers commit to care for children until they are eighteen (and beyond).These type of fostering arrangements are usually planned over a period.

Parent and Child Arrangements

Time-limited arrangements for families who need additional support together.

Children with Disabilities

Children who need increased support and care.


Sarah - Futures for Children

"As an existing foster carer, it is important that you work with a company that is able to fully support both the children and foster carers.

A lot of carers from Local Authorities and other Agencies come to us and feel that there could be more done for themselves and the looked after children."

Request An Info Pack

Interested in Becoming a Foster Carer?

We're pleased that you would like to register your interest in fostering with Futures Group.

To give your application the best chance please ensure you meet the prerequisites below:

  • Have a spare bedroom

  • Are over 21 years of age (there is no upper age limit)

  • Have experience interacting with children or young people

  • Have British Citizenship or Leave To Remain in the UK

We're always looking for foster carers from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds, single people, couples (whether married or living together, with or without children).

Together we can make a difference in children's lives.

Fostering FAQ

If you have any questions regarding fostering or what Futures for Children offer in terms of fostering arrangements, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Do I need qualifications?

You do not need specific qualifications to become a foster carer, although some experience of caring for children, either personally or professionally, would help. The most important qualities we look for in foster carers are the enthusiasm and commitment to provide a child with a secure family environment.

​What kind of children need fostering?

All kinds of children need fostering arrangements. They could be any age or even parents with babies. They need short or long term arrangements and these could be needed in an emergency or they may be planned. However, all the children and young people we place will have suffered disadvantage and many will have been abused or neglected.

​I want to foster but I would not want a child coming to live with us who the same age as my own child. Would this rule me out?

No. All our fostering arrangements are very carefully matched, and your assessor would discuss with you the age and type of children you would like to offer a home to, and who would fit in with your own children.

​Will I be able to continue working?

The agency would wish to discuss with you your individual situation. Many of our foster carers do continue to work. However, you will be expected to be available at times within working hours, perhaps to attend meetings or if a child placed with you is unable to attend school.

​What if I am not sure what to do in a situation?

Your social worker will be available to offer you support and advice whenever you feel you need it. If they are not available for any reason, you will be able to speak to another member of the social work team who will also be able to advise you. Should you require support and advice outside office hours, we offer a 24-hour on-call service that can be accessed every day of the year.

​What is involved in the fostering assessment process?

If you and the agency decide to pursue an assessment, you will be allocated an assessor who will visit you on a number of occasions and will produce a report including your history, your family lifestyle and the kind of placements you are interested in taking. We would also undertake a number of checks on you, including DBS, local authority references and medicals.

​Will I be able to get to know other foster carers?

Yes. We offer regular training, support groups and events for our foster carers at which you would have the opportunity to meet and talk to other foster carers.

​What if a placement does not work out?

Although you would be supported throughout each period of fostering, sometimes a fostering arrangement may not work out. In this instance, your social worker would support you to achieve the best ending for both you and the young person concerned.

​​Will I have a choice in the children who come to live with me?

Yes. During the assessment process, your assessor will discuss with you in detail what children you feel you would be able to offer a home to. The agency matches children with foster carers with great care and would always give you as much information as possible about any children who may come to live with you. You are not under any obligation to foster a child if you do not feel they are the right match for you and your family.

​​What kind of support will be offered to me?

Once you are approved as a foster carer, you will be allocated a qualified social worker who will provide support to you both over the telephone and by visiting on a regular basis. You would also be able to contact them any time you feel you need some advice. In addition, Futures For Children offer an out of hours service, enabling you to access support 24 hours a day every day of the year.

​​Will I receive training?

Yes. As part of the assessment process, you will complete our preparation training, and after you are approved as a foster carer we will support you to complete the Training Support and Development Standards within your first year. An ongoing comprehensive training programme will be offered together with further E-Learning opportunities.

​​Do I need to own my own home to foster?

No, you do not need to be a homeowner to foster however you will need to gain permission from your landlord that they are happy with you fostering.

​​Do I need to have my own children before fostering a child?

No, you do not need to have your own children, although previous experience of working with or caring for children and young people, whether in a professional or personal capacity, would be useful.

​​​What kind of fostering arrangements do Futures for Children offer?

Futures for Children can provide a wide range of foster families. We can place children and young people of all ages and with a variety of needs, and can provide long and short term arrangements. We can also provide parent and child arrangements and homes for children with disabilities.

​​​​Do I need to be married?

No, you do not need to be married. Some of our foster carers are married, some are single and others are in long term partnerships.

We Are Here To Guide You

Speak to a foster care adviser now.

Call: 01245 950470

Want to know if you would be better off with us?

* All our carers are paid above the Fostering Network Payment Guidelines.

(Made to each fostering household with a placement).

We Are Recruiting
If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about fostering, fill out the form below!
Futures For Children

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - 2022 | Site by: Local Business Heroes

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - 2022 | Site by: Local Business Heroes