Futures For Children
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Fostering Teenagers

Did you know that in 2020, 24% of children in foster care in England were 16 or over?

We understand the thought of fostering a teenager can be daunting, but we promise it's not as bad as you think. Teenagers have already learnt basic life skills and are often independent, self-motivated people. All they are looking for is stability and support to keep them on the right track.

Currently in the UK, 39% of children in care are aged 10-15 years

As the demand for foster carers grows, so does the amount of teenagers going into care. Typically there is a higher demand to foster younger children from new foster carers as most people want younger children to foster as they think fostering teenagers will be too difficult. Fostering teenagers is likely to be less physically demanding than looking after young people and children. They are in full-time education and will often be with friends or in their rooms playing video games and doing homework.

As most of us remember from our younger years, those teenage years can be a difficult time. Stress from school, acceptance, developing a sense of independence and feeling misunderstood - it can be a confusing time for young people. Now, imagine a young person who is not able to live with their family and how they might feel.

Our young people have been through some difficult life experiences for their age and they need you to help support them and guide them into confident and successful adults.

Fostering teenagers can be incredibly rewarding. You will see their confidence grow as you guide them into adulthood, you get to watch them through important stages of their life such as taking their GCSE's, getting into their first relationship, or getting onto the college course they really wanted. There’s no greater sense of pride than seeing a teenager in foster care achieve what they’ve set out to do.

Don't think you'll go through all of this alone either, you’ll be supported by our professional team of social workers, every step of the way.

So, if you are reliable, patient, and trustworthy, please help these teenagers in need of a loving, supportive home.

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Ready to change a young persons life?

* All our carers are paid above the Fostering Network Payment Guidelines.
(made to each fostering household with a placement).
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