Today is World Religion Day - this day aims to promote the understanding between all religions, encouraging others to learn about other faiths.
Here at Futures For Children, we're always looking for foster carers from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds. Our children and young people come to us from a wide range of backgrounds so it's important to us that we can match placements as closely as possible to the child's birth family.
We strongly believe that a child who comes from a particular religious background would benefit greatly from being placed into a foster home that practises the same beliefs.
When children and young people come into care they have experienced upheaval and many have come from traumatic backgrounds, so faith can play an important role in their identities.
By placing a child or young person into a foster home which practises the same religious beliefs, it will allow the child or young person to feel a sense of familiarity and security. Our carers will also be able to support their needs easily, whether that's meeting dietary requirements or attending religious ceremonies.
Differing religious beliefs in placements
We recognise that, on occasions, it will be necessary to place children and young people in a placement that does not ideally match their heritage and beliefs.
In these circumstances, we provide full training and support to help our carers understand the needs of the child in placement and how to cater to them.
Our carers must understand that their child in placement has the right to choose their own religion, even if the beliefs contradict with their own. The child's birth parent also has the right to state to staff the religion in which their child should be raised in placement.
Despite any differences in religion and beliefs, our carers must maintain a positive fostering relationship.
It's important to note that we would never place a child or young person in a home that our foster carers would not be happy having within the household. We carefully look at the individual needs of the child and consider our foster carers preferences.
During the Summer of 2019 an article was released from an interview with a young carer whose situation had become so desperate that she felt like there was no option but to ‘put herself into foster care’. At age 15, Laura Kinsley, spent nine months in foster care after not receiving adequate support. Read more here.
We're pleased that you would like to register your interest in fostering with Futures Group.
We're always looking for foster carers from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds, single people, couples (whether married or living together, with or without children). Together we can make a difference to children's lives.