Futures For Children
Talk to a Foster Care Adviser: 01622 760 600
Call: 01622 760 600

Welcome to Thursday Thoughts

A new series where we share our thoughts about fostering, recent events and anything else that crosses our minds on a Thursday!  

During the Summer of 2019 an article was released from an interview with a young carer whose situation had become so desperate that she felt like there was no option but to ‘put herself into foster care’. At age 15, Laura Kinsley, spent nine months in foster care after not receiving adequate support. Read more here.   

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Interested in Becoming a Foster Carer?

We're pleased that you would like to register your interest in fostering with Futures Group.

To give your application the best chance please ensure you meet the prerequisites below:
  • Have a spare bedroom
  • Are over 21 years of age (there is no upper age limit)
  • Have experience of interacting with children or young people

We're always looking for foster carers from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds, single people, couples (whether married or living together, with or without children). Together we can make a difference to children's lives.

Futures For Children

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - | Site by: Tarquin

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - 2021 | Site by: Tarquin