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Young Carers Awareness Day

Male young carer looking after an older lady

Did you know that 1 in 5 secondary school children could be a young carer

During the Summer of 2019 an article was released from an interview with a young carer whose situation had become so desperate that she felt like there was no option but to ‘put herself into foster care’. At age 15, Laura Kinsley, spent nine months in foster care after not receiving adequate support. Read more here.   

So… grab a cuppa, (and maybe a biscuit or two) and have a look as to why we should all be spreading awareness for young carers.

Who is considered a young carer?

In the UK a young carer is someone under the age of 18 who cares for someone in their family, or a friend, who has any type of mental illness, physical disability or misuses substances such as drugs or alcohol.

What do young carers do?

Young carers can have a vast range of responsibilities.

  • Cooking, shopping and housework
  • Emotional support
  • Personal care: including washing and dressing the person they care for
  • Helping to administer medicine
  • Manage the household budget
  • Looking after young siblings

During the Summer of 2019 an article was released from an interview with a young carer whose situation had become so desperate that she felt like there was no option but to ‘put herself into foster care’. At age 15, Laura Kinsley, spent nine months in foster care after not receiving adequate support. Read more here.   

What might young carers face?

  • Socialising: No time for socialising 
  • Isolation: Young carers may miss out on school activities or socialising with friends due to their responsibilities at home
  • Bullying: Did you know 2 in 3 young carers have been bullied in school?
  • School work: They may struggle to keep up to date with school work, they might not have enough time to complete homework and may miss school due to their duties at home

Why should we spread awareness?

Being a Young Carer can be hard work, it’s always difficult to see someone you love suffering or needing help. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness for the challenges that young carers face because of their role.

This year Carers Trust are running a “Count Me In!” Campaign to encourage our education providers to do more to identify young carers and ensure that they receive support and recognition.

Where can young carers go for support?

Carers Trust, provide advice and support services across the UK for young carers and young adult carers. Click here to find the nearest service to you. 

Childline, is a 24-hour service offering advice and information for young people under the age of 19.  Free telephone number - 0800 1111

Young Minds, has a free 24-hour crisis messenger for young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Text ‘YM’ to 85258

How can you get involved?

Get involved on social media by using the hashtag #CountMeIn and #YoungCarersAwarenessDay. Don't forget to tag us too! We love to see our Facebook family spreading awareness and love. 

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Interested in Becoming a Foster Carer?

We're pleased that you would like to register your interest in fostering with Futures Group.

To give your application the best chance please ensure you meet the prerequisites below:
  • Have a spare bedroom
  • Are over 21 years of age (there is no upper age limit)
  • Have experience of interacting with children or young people

We're always looking for foster carers from different cultural, religious and racial backgrounds, single people, couples (whether married or living together, with or without children). Together we can make a difference to children's lives.

Futures For Children

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - | Site by: Tarquin

All Rights Reserved. Futures For Children Ltd 1999 - 2021 | Site by: Tarquin